Tuesday, April 1, 2008


One of the most exciting things about consciously following a spiritual path is how aware one becomes, especially to the constant changes in ourself and our life. Spring, while being a time to reflect on balance, is also a time of cleansing and change for the better. While it is sometimes difficult to achieve those ends (the body cleansing often manifests as illness, and the soul cleansing can manifest in mood swings or other instabilities) we must keep the end in mind when we find ourselves in the midst of the cleansing frenzy. Taking responsibility is much healthier than blaming yourself for the mess you have to fight through in order to achieve renewal.

This month I am wrapping up the semester, and it has been a bland and irritable one. I would like to look at this month as a cleansing month, cleansing myself of the unwanted projects that detract from the time and energy I have to put into the things that I am passionate about. I am cleansing myself of the professors whose classes did not meet my expectations. I am cleansing myself of the papers and assignments I have let build up in my mind through persistent procrastination during the cold and motivation-sapping months of winter. I look to the end and travel through this month begging for renewal of my spring and summer self.

April is the last stretch of a long cold journy, but it is tempered with warm days and occasional thunderstorms that lift my spirits through the generally sunless weeks. We have rounded a bend, but we're not out of the transformational stages just yet. Patience and persistence are needed to land us safely on the shores of renewal. But when we arrive... there will be no mistaking it.


1 comment:

BunnyKissd said...

That sounds like me... Granted I'm not taking any classes, but substitute teaching, and I am feeling rather unmotivated and ready for warmer weather and more sun to make things all better...