Friday, March 28, 2008

On Balance (again)

In the previous post, Madeline mentions that balance is essential... something that I completely and wholeheartedly agree with, based on all of the experience this transient existence has given me. How strange, sometimes, that you can be such a spiritual person... and then get hit with a spiritual two by four. If you will. ;D

I pushed myself too much, recently - too much was going on, and I was too overwhelmed, and though I am *very* good at dealing with stress - I'm human, and - as such - far from perfect. I knew I was pushing myself too much, and I know what happens when I do... my immune system caved, and I got a very nasty cold.

I spent Ostara in bed, sniffling and feeling generally miserable - so miserable in fact that the coven Madeline and myself founded had to push back the Ostara celebration from last Saturday to this Sunday! I felt miserable and guilty and generally horrible about it all...

Until I realized I was helping no one - least of all myself. And hey! It didn't matter to the people closest to me... the ones who mattered.

I firmly believe that I am a Priestess of the Goddess in all the things I do - and I know that the Goddess does not want me pushing myself to the very ends of my ropes. After all, She only gives me what I can deal with - nothing more... and then She lays the pieces of the puzzle before me. And I can be evolved and solve it instantaneously... or need that spiritual two by four.

Could I have had lessons taught to me if I hadn't gotten sick? Probably. Would they have been as long lasting...? Probably not. Everything happens for a reason - everyone and everything continues to evolve and change... everything is mutable - everything is shifting and growing... just like the coming spring.

So I stand at the threshold of the season - both feet planted firmly beneath me... balanced. :)


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