Thursday, March 20, 2008

Merry Ostara~!

On this day of days there is equal light and equal darkness... today is the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring. Peoples since the dawn of time have celebrated in this span of twenty-four hours; a balance that rings true to our bones, and a joy that is unbound. Winter is gone, long live spring!

Where I am now, two inches of snow fell last night. This morning, I awoke and walked the dogs in a silvery light of white and cold and breath frozen in the air. Yet all around me, I heard the birds and the "drip, drip, drip" of melting snows, and the rush of sap in all our trees, and - beneath my feet - the wick running clean and true into every plant. They are waiting - waiting to spring from the earth into the golden, glorious sunlight.

Today, I celebrate renewal in all things - I celebrate the burgeoning life in the world all around me, and within my heart. Gone are the days of darkness, come are the days of light... the sun is returning to the world, and she brings laughter and joy with her.

I am Persephone, stepping up from the ground, leaving behind the bones of the earth in order to embrace her skin. There is green in and on and all around me, and I am flush with the excitement of new beginnings. Listen to the birds, voices raised exultant to sun and stars, listen to the world, turning to the new season. Listen to your heart as it beats - sure and strong.

Welcome, spring!


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