Saturday, February 23, 2008

Speak of the Goddess and She shall appear

Well it's been a while, but I'm back...

I've been dealing with some health concerns lately. In my life, I've learned that health problems are always related to a spiritual lesson or caused by spiritual concerns: I've suffered from sciatica caused by a herniated disc above my tailbone (Root Chakra, anyone?) that affected my left leg (female energy) and that only after years of inner-journeying and contemplation and determination was I able to get under a semblance of control; as a Taurus, my throat is my weak body part (Fifth Chakra), and as a writer that is some scary symbolism. I've always been shy, but in the past few years, since making some personal vows, I've begun to open up a lot, and with that my writing has become a daily act of worship instead of a once in a blue moon event.

Anyway, I've been dealing with toxicity and menstrual stuff lately (FUN) and today I've been feeling terrible: shaking, weak, exhausted, hyper-emotional (not bitchy or depressed, thank the gods). I had determined earlier this week that I would begin a cleanse on Sunday, so I should have expected that my body would begin to violently detox on its own (it's what happens when I tell myself I'm going to cleanse).

I looked up "goddess of healing" on google (because I'm tired and taking a sick day from the weekend ;p) and skimmed over a few familiar names, before I saw a link for a mantra for healing. Following the link, I discovered the bodhisattva Tara, or Buddhist goddess Tara (originally a Hindu goddess and possibly a variation on Kali). I've never heard of her, and that makes me sad because I've studied Buddhism in college, and she should have been mentioned as she is a popular figure for female Buddhists.

But, anyway, I am so excited by this discovery! Even as I type I'm being pulled towards further investigation, beyond the lengthy Wikipedia article. Already they make reference to her glowing like the moon, embodying feminine compassion and strength, how in her different colors/aspects she represents different energies that we can invoke. I am going to meditate on her today, use her mantra "oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā," and see what happens.

I've always been strongly drawn to Hinduism and Buddhism; Sarasvati and Ganesh are two of my favorite deities. Ok, I've always been drawn to polytheism in general but that just goes to prove the common answer to the question "how long have you been a pagan?": "Well, I've been a pagan all my life but I only realized it [X] years ago."

Exciting stuff! It's always nice when new deified faces come into your life for one reason or another.

Oh, and speaking of meditation, look forward to another update in regards to that!

Brightest Blessings,

ps: don't mind the sloppiness of this entry... I'm sick ;P

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